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My Story

~Passionate About Inspiring Others~

Often we get so wrapped up in taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. I am bringing awareness back to putting ourselves first again!


Let me tell you a little about my past history. Right after graduating high school I became a hairdresser…I wasn’t that great at it, lol! So, in 1993 I became a massage therapist and I was very good at that.  I enjoyed the holistic side of it and helping people, immensely!


Strangely though, I was fascinated by the medical field, so in 2003 I graduated from surgical technology school and soon after, became a surgical assistant. Polar opposite, right?! So, for these past years I’ve seen every kind of patient there is. But the holistic side has always stayed with me.


Step back a few years in 1999, I competed in my first, and last, fitness competition and had an amazing mind and body transformation. However, my results didn’t last because I didn’t have a continuing plan or any support for after my transformation.  I struggled for many years after that to get back to that mind set and physique. And that was so puzzling.


~The Discovery~


In 2004 I studied to become a personal trainer and nutritional counselor. Within a year of working in the operating room, I had already seen a need for movement and nutrition guidance for patients. In plastic surgery we had repeat liposuction clients! It was killing me inside, because I knew I could help these people maintain their well spent money. Then, later in the years, I saw all these people getting their gall bladders removed, having heart bypasses and struggling with diabetes as well as weight loss difficulties…and don’t get me started on dementia.


The holistic side of me was convinced that these people would have done something different if they had just known how. Now I don’t mean, ‘hand them a piece of paper with information on it’, how. I mean details in showing them how. How to change habits, how to get to the root of why they have these diseases and especially why they struggle to lose the weight.


The thing is, like me, they know what to do. They’ve been given the list of foods to eat and not to eat. Told to exercise and maybe even been counseled on certain exercises to do. All good advice for their condition. Again, we know WHAT to do but just don’t have the drive or motivation to actually do it.


~The Depression and the Self Awakening~

In 2015 I was at a crossroads. I was at my lowest point. Severely depressed and just existing.


I had gotten stuck and even though I was a personal trainer, nutritional counselor & surgical assistant, none of that knowledge was helping me in that state of mind. I had all the information I needed but could not get myself to do what it took to get my health and weight back to what was right for my body.


A friend invited me into a private Facebook group that encouraged health and fitness. I did not know what to expect, except that maybe I could manage to get myself off the couch with some encouragement from this group.


As it turned out, I did actually get up and move, as well as encouraging others to do the same. I was back in my element, helping others. 


It felt so good to share and inspire! I soon learned it was an MLM company and as much as I was not interested in any MLM, I joined anyway for the camaraderie and the like minded people. Now, I did not make money with the company because I didn’t truly believe in the product they sold.


I knew that health and fitness goals could be achieved with whole foods and we didn’t need meal replacements or supplements. 


Although I was helping some people, I was mostly just making money for the company so, I stopped working for them. I couldn’t help people the way I wanted to help them.


"Everything you do, is a stair step to your ultimate goal in life." ~Jim Brown


But being involved with that company led me to what I REALLY speak to people about my experience and how I overcame the lack of wanting to do anything. I needed to show others they could overcome it too.  I had given up on everything and was just doing what I had to do to make it, and make it look like all was okay.  I discovered that once I made myself physically better, I became mentally better. And it took quite a bit of research and personal development to l​earn this.


Over the years I’ve helped several people with their goals. However, I still felt like I needed to do more. So I set out on a journey to learn more about the best way to reach out and help people who feel lost, stuck and ready to, or have already given up. I now show them how to transform their body and their mind.


After years of passionate research in nutrition, exercise, psychology, personal development and optimal performance, I’ve turned this into practical knowledge for everyone I can reach. Skills that you can use in everyday life, that help you lose weight, gain energy, maintain a healthy lifestyle and transform your body into what YOU want. To give you back control.


So, if you’re sick and tired of feeling like crap. If you’re so far gone that you’ve given up. If you’re stuck in that deep dark hole of despair. Reach out to me and let me take your hand and show you how to get out of this. Because together we can do it. 


Together we can reach and get it!

  • Certified Health Coach

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Certified Surgical Assistant

  • Licensed Massage Therapist

  • I have been where you are

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